The healing power of medicinal plants.
We offer ayahuasca and master plant healing retreats, traditional diets and ayahuasca ceremonies. We are specialists in shamanic treatments with 100% net masters of the Amazonian zone, healer and ayahuasquero. We are an integral healing center that also offers apprenticeships in Amazonian shamanism and opportunities for visionary art.
AYATUR LODGE IQUITOS offers fresh, refined and high quality medicine. The ayahuasca vine has the power to open the spiritual world and the chacruna leaves awaken the visions of that world. When a healer or shaman takes ayahuasca, he or she enters a medicinal state in which he or she can call upon the spirits and doctors of the spirit world and connect anyone with the sacred medicine.
All our ceremonies take place at the LODGE site, 37 km from the city of Iquitos, in a lush and tranquil area of the Amazon jungle.
This ayahuasca ceremony will bring you an incredible change, a boost of enthusiasm, physical health and strength. It will open your mind to a much broader reality with many more possibilities emerging on the horizon.

fresh, refined and high quality medicine. The ayahuasca vine has the power to open the spiritual world and the chacruna leaves awaken the visions of that world. When a healer or shaman takes ayahuasca, he or she enters a medicinal state in which he or she can call upon the spirits and doctors of the spirit world and connect anyone with the sacred medicine.

How Ayahuasca Should Be Taken
When the day comes that you want to do the ayahuasca ceremony, the shaman will give you a cup of ayahuasca, then you should not take it directly, stay a few seconds with the ceremonial cup in your hands and make your request mentally.
In that case, why are you taking it? or it can be to make a request for a sick family member or a job you wish to see, etc.
Well, once you have made your wish mentally, take it with a lot of faith, love and respect, only then the ayahuasca spirit will listen to you and guide you in your process.